Here goes 4 months of torture, and no, I won’t learn to love it

Yep, it has been way too long since I ate like I should.  I am starting a 4 month clean-up.  Why 4 months?  Because I am going to Jamaica in about 4 months.  I don’t want to look like a bloated flab of lumps and stripes on the beach.  I don’t want to be one of those people who other people look at, lean over to their friends and say, “Someone should have told her she doesn’t look good in that”  even though I am wearing an Amish dress-style swim suit that covers me head to toe.  The stripes are here to stay, the flab I can do something about.  Bill is joining in too mostly because I do the cooking around here and secondarily because he doesn’t want to look like crap next to my hotness.  We also are going to exercise.  Please pray.

Here is my plan for the work week:

For Breakfasts: Breakfast cookies and egg whites of some sort (Maybe scrambled with spinach or maybe hard boiled?  Mini Frittatas maybe even.)  Grapefruit.

For Mid-day Snacks: Greek Yogurt,  Energy Bars, apples, oranges

Monday – Clean Waffles  The kids can smother theirs in butter, chocolate chips and syrup, I will find some other option.  Maybe organic PB and bananas.  Or maybe berries.  Crap, what is happening to me?

Tuesday – Vegetarian Chili – sour cream replaced by plain Greek yogurt.  No cheese for me.  No Doritos.  BOOOOHOOOOO 

Wednesday – This will be the hardest night – Bill and I usually go out for date night.  Clean Fajitas   Oh please, oh please be good.  We probably also need something sweet because we always eat something sweet.  Chocolate Banana Smoothies?? 

Thursday – Chicken Taco Wraps  Using Plain Greek Yogurt instead of Sour Cream, of course.

Friday – Home Alone!!!  I don’t have to plan anything fancy!!  Sweet Potato Fries Dipped in Ranch – I wish.  Probably left overs.

Late-night snacks – I am not eating them.  Period.  I will be fasting after dinner every night, and will be journaling.  And exercising.  And reading my Bible. If the Bible is daily bread, I should get my carb fill.  And I will be going to bed earlier because I cant be healthy if I don’t have enough sleep. 

I read this list to Bill and he rolled his eyes and whined about it.  Well, I watched the PX90 infomercial today and got all educated in the world of pyrotechnics or plyometrics – whatever – so I expect him to look like this in 4 months:



Complete with the little tiny swimsuit.  Minus all the veins popping out. 

Day one of Being all healthy – Again

Bill and I started this wonderful journey of being healthy.  Obviously, we would both like to drop a few pounds, but although that may be his driving force, mine is simply to feel better again.  After eating junk all summer and gaining a few pounds, I don’t feel healthy.  We are mostly going about it with food – exercise is overrated.  (I did walk and ride my bike yesterday.  So there.)

Today started with a delicious but gagicious breakfast of scrambled egg whites with spinach (yummy, but I don’t do well swallowing food in the early morning) and oatmeal with flaxseed.  Bill found the plain oatmeal to be boring after year and year, perhaps his entire lifetime, of eating Quaker Strawberries and Cream instant oatmeal.  Well, of course, that stuff is 20% oatmeal 80  %crap that tastes good. 

Ok, so this may be a healthy start, but not one that will keep us on the plan long, so tonight, we tried these and LOVED them, so this is the new plan for breakfast:

Frozen Banana Slushie things:

  • 1 frozen banana, cut into pieces before freezing
  • 2 tbsp skim milk (or your favorite milk substitute)
  • ½ scoop (16 g) vanilla whey protein powder  (we used chocolate)
  • We added fresh strawberries too, and will add flaxseed tomorrow as well

Add all ingredients to your food processor and blend until smooth and whipped-looking. Using a spatula, scrape “ice cream” into serving bowl. Enjoy!   Tip: If the banana gets mashed and stuck on the bottom of the container so the blades can’t get to it, just add a little more milk to get it moving.

I think Bill will be in charge of blending these up for us.  Either that, or he will be eating oatmeal.  Smile

So anyway,  I also found this website that has some cool articles and recipes on it – LiveWell360 and although I may not subscribe to all of it, a lot of it seemed really good and I am going to have fun reading and taking my own spin on it – good and bad.  So on that note (Janelle, get your mind out of the gutter!!):

Things my Body Enjoys:

1.  Napping and Sleeping in – basically, more sleep, I just cant get enough

2.  Massages – both deep tissue by someone who knows what they are doing and nightly “quick, rub that same place in my shoulder” from Bill, who over the years has memorized my knot system.  My back is like a constellation.

3.  Sweatpants – who needs defined waists?

4.  My taste buds enjoy Coke and Mt Dew a lot

5.  Hot Baths almost every night

6.  Sleeping in a cold room, windows open, with lots of blankets and flipping the pillow to the cold side often.

7.  Warm sun – especially in winter – when we stepped off the plane in Miami last Feb, it was instant healing of my soul.

8.  Good music.  I can scrub toilets with a smile if I have cranked good music going.  Which right now is Switchfoot

9.  Laughing until Giddy, being Giddy until laughing, being in that place when I can just let loose and everything is funny.

10.  Bonfires in the cool fall.  Cold backs, warm feet.

11.  Pedicures, and fresh hair cuts.

12.  Sand and waves – ocean, lake, wherever; no better place to relax

13.  Being with my extended family is also good for my body – stress relief in the form of comfort and laughter

So these are the things I will try to do more of because they are good for me.  The one thing my body despises more that anything else is getting up at 6:15 AM – I haven’t found a work-around for that issue yet.