Just Ramping Up

Spring is different around here.  I already alluded to that fact when I talked about biking in the snow, or finally having the ability to make snowmen out of the used-to-be-fluffy-but-is-now-smooshy white stuff. 

Spring around here also brings the threat of flooding.  It is a time when we see what makes the people of the area tremendously strong.  It is a time when we become one huge team fighting for one cause, one sandbag at a time.  One sandwich at a time.  I will post pictures this week as I can. 

These are a few of the things that are all over the area:




If it gets worse, we will be joined by helicopters as well.  Hearing helicopters is not a soothing sound around here.  One sight I haven’t been able to capture is that of semi truck loaded full of sandbags with police escort delivering pallets to neighborhoods, but I will.  Smile

This is what the river looks like from one of my friend’s back yard.  It was at 28 feet at this point, and forecasted to reach 39.5 by Sunday and depending on weather this weekend, could climb a bit higher next week.  The dirt is a levee built to 41 feet and will become permanent this summer.  She expects sandbags on top of it starting tomorrow.




This is a new tool in the flood fight this year – they are everywhere around town.  This is the view across the street from another friend.   See, even though we are high and dry, we have friends in the fight.


This is not a river, it is sweet little drain 27 that gets a wee bit wet during a flood.  Even it has the above sandbag monsters lining it.


To see a very well-put-together video series of the Flood of 2011, visit this blog named Will over Water.

2 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. ashley
    Apr 05, 2011 @ 22:46:47

    you blog bff?!! how did i not know this?! and your blog is completely beautiful! win!


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